A downloadable experience for Windows and Linux

In this incredible game, you will experience the most well-developed story in the history of videogames, with very relatable characters, and a very important plot.

All packaged in the best platforming experience you'll ever play.

Using only the most detailed resources, and it's own not-custom engine for the (probably not) best experience.

This game requires a 64 bit machine due to me being too lazy to build it for any different platforms, haha mac user no game funny.


RedBallGame_Linux64_b3.zip [OUTDATED] 39 MB
RedBallGame_Win64_b3.zip 25 MB
RedBallGame_Win64_b4.zip 32 MB

Install instructions

Only extract the .zip file wherever you want in your drive and run the .exe file inside the game's folder.

Development log


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(1 edit)

To call this game "art" or even a "masterpiece" would be a disservice to just how perfect this video game experience is. It is the most high quality, perfected piece of media that exists, and you haven't truly lived until you've played it.

Version 3 edit: Gameplay-wise, version 3 is an improvement over version 2, with the added ability to maintain momentum whilst respawning, a feature I'm sure has come with the inclusion of LWJGL 3, however, the level design has really gone downhill in its newest release. Level 2 was completely replaced with a new level 2, and whilst the new mechanics are great, it will never live up to the high bar set by the original second level.

I'll review the new design guidelines to make sure they are still as entertaining as the older versions, while still giving it a fresh feeling. Thanks for the honest review!

I adore this game so much that I have a dedicated computer to run it. Please play this game you are missing out on a good time and it has been proven to cure any disease.

This game gets a easy best game ever/10

best thing i've ever played. it cured my non-existent hopes and dreams

I love it.
