Long time no see!

I hope you all are doing well!

At last, a new update with some Quality of Life improvements has been made!

The menu now should look right on all screen sizes. That took a while huh?

A new intro has been added to the game, I really hope it looks nicer than the last one.

Oh and Unity was updated, which broke some stuff that had to get fixed. It's all fine now.

That's pretty much all, no big deal this time but with all of this fixed, development should be a little easier now.

I really hope you enjoy the update, see you next time!

And by the way, if you're thinking: "Why wasn't the Linux build updated?". Blame Unity Hub for that, it always gets stuck at verifying the stuff I need to compile Linux builds.


RedBallGame_Win64_b4.zip 32 MB
Jun 23, 2022
RedBallGame_Linux64_b3.zip [OUTDATED] 39 MB
Jan 06, 2022

Get Red Ball Game


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This new update is pretty desivive with me on one hand the new intro was fucking amazing I love more logos in my game. But on the other no more WAAAAAAAluigi Pinball. Can the new update bring back the Wa